
NWU Nursing School Requirements For Humanities

The North-West University, NWU Nursing School Requirements For Humanities | The nursing profession is essential in promoting health, prevention, and treatment of disease conditions and care for the dignified death of a patient.
NWU Nursing School Requirements For Humanities
The North-West University (NWU) School of Nursing Science provides education and training of international quality to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Nursing is a dynamic profession with opportunities for specialization after completing the basic Nursing degree. The dedicated, competent staff ensures that students are equipped with competence, responsibility, authority and accountability after registration as a professional nurse at the South African Nursing Council.
The NWU School of Nursing Science is not just an academic and research domain, but we are also proud of the integral role we play in the community.

The language of instruction for contact students at the Mafikeng Campus in this curriculum is English.
The language of instruction for contact students at the Potchefstroom Campus in this curriculum is Afrikaans. Lectures are made accessible by means of educational interpreting into English for students who do not have sufficient capacity in Afrikaans. In certain modules the language of instruction is English and the lectures are made accessible by means of educational interpreting into Afrikaans.

NWU Nursing School Requirements For Humanities

Please note that the below admission requirements are subject to change pending selection and possible faculty-specific requirements.

Degree Field Requirements APS Campus Possible Career Opportunities
BA in Public Governance
  • Public Administration
  • Public Administration and Labour Relations Management
  • Public Administration and Social Studies
  • Politics and Public Administration
  • Public Administration and Geography
  • Home Language or First Additional Language level 4
  • DURATION: 3 years
25 Potch
BA Language and Literary Studies Potchefstroom:

  • Afrikaans and Dutch and English plus Creative Writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • Afrikaans and Dutch and German plus Creative Writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • Afrikaans and Dutch and French plus Creative Writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • Afrikaans and Dutch and Setswana (third language) plus Creative Writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • English and German plus Creative Writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • English and French plus Creative Writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • English and Setswana (third language) plus Creative Writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • German and French plus Creative Writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • French and Setswana (third language) plus Creative writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • German and Setswana (third language) plus Creative writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • Setswana (first language) plus language modules
  • SA Sign Language and other language modules plus Creative Writing and/or Translation and Interpreting Studies


  • English, Setswana (First Language), Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • English, Afrikaans, Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • English, French, Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • Afrikaans, French, Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • Setswana (First Language), Afrikaans, French, Translation and Interpreting Studies
  • French, Setswana (First Language), Translation and Interpreting Studies


  • Languages
  • Language Practice
  • Language Practice and Communication
  • Home Language OR First Additional Language level 4
  • Subject-specific requirements: See yearbook for different directions and relevant requirements.
  • No pre-requisites for French or German.
  • DURATION: 3 years
24 Mafikeng
Afrikaans and Dutch

  • Teaching (when combined with postgraduate teaching certificate/diploma)
  • Academia & research
  • Freelance writing
  • Translation & interpreting work
  • Language technology (when combined with language technology degree)
  • Communication & journalism
  • Broadcasting industry
  • Copy-writing
  • Technical writing
  • Publishing
  • Lexicography
  • Specialized secretarial services
  • Proofreading
  • Language specialisation in government & industry sectors

Creative Writing

  • Creative writing & Freelance Writing
  • Journalism
  • Publishing
  • Library and information work
  • Language practitioner work
  • Academia & Research
  • Copywriting
  • Editorial work
  • Advertising


  • Curriculum design (requires postgraduate study)
  • Teaching English as a second or other language
  • Teaching (requires a postgraduate teaching certificate/diploma)
  • Creative writing & freelance writing
  • Journalism
  • Technical writing
  • Content writing
  • Publishing & advertising
  • Specialised secretarial and administrative work
  • Language practitioner work
  • Digital copywriting
  • Editorial work
  • Lexicography
  • Speech pathology (requires further study)
  • Proof-reading
  • Academia & research (within a tertiary environment)


  • Teaching English as a second language
  • Foreign language practitioner
  • Translation work
  • Journalism
  • Academia & research (within tertiary environment)
  • Foreign customer services
  • Language practitioner (government & private sector)
  • Whatever you study, French will always be useful, because it enables you to function in a working environment which has contact with French speaking partners or clients.
  • Hospitality, recreation & tourism sector


  • Teaching English as a second language
  • Foreign language practitioner
  • Translation work
  • Journalism
  • Academia & research
  • Foreign customer services & specialised administration
  • Technical writing
  • Proofreading
  • Copy-writing & editing
  • Publishing
  • Broadcasting
  • Governmental & private language practitioners

Language Practice

  • Translators and text editors may work for translation companies, advertising companies, the press, publishers, and the provincial and national legislatures. There are also many freelance opportunities for translators and text editors.
  • Interpreters may work in government institutions such as courts, and in legislatures and community projects on national, provincial and local level.
  • The demand for people who are qualified in creating subtitles or audio-described material for television programmes and films is increasing. Such people can work freelance, or for media companies.


  • Teaching
  • Creative writing
  • Academia & research
  • Editing
  • Language practice
  • Motivational speaking
  • Broadcasting & advertising
  • Translating & interpreting
  • Journalism
  • Entrepreneurship & business
  • Some of the challenges of Sesotho include the National Language Plan, the marketing of linguistic human rights, language as economic resource, the economy of language and the National Curriculum Statement.


  • Teaching (combined with postgraduate teaching certificate)
  • Academia & research (usually within environment)
  • Freelance writing
  • Translation & interpreting work
  • Journalism
  • Communications sector – radio broadcasting & television industry
  • Public relations
  • Copy-writing & editing
  • Publishing
  • Lexicography
  • Content management
  • Language practitioner work (government & private sector)
  • Administrative work
  • Language technology (when combined with language technology degree)
  • Useful in addition to careers in law, library and social sciences
  • South African Sign Language
  • Deaf education – you can become a teacher at a school for the Deaf.
  • Social services and health care – you can help to make these services accessible to the Deaf in your workplace.
  • Psychology – you can specialise as a psychologist for the Deaf.
  • Interpreting – you can become a SASL interpreter in a variety of environments (courts, churches, schools, social work, etc.

South African Sign Language

  • Deaf education – you can become a teacher at a school for the Deaf.
  • Social services and health care – you can help to make these services accessible to the Deaf in your workplace.
  • Psychology – you can specialise as a psychologist for the Deaf.
  • Interpreting – you can become a SASL interpreter in a variety of environments (courts, churches, schools, social work, etc.


BA in Music Music and Society
  • Completed Matric / National Senior Certificate with an endorsement for degree study, OR a diploma in music or an equivalent qualification in which the modules for the final year have been passed with an average of at least 60%
  • At least 50% (level 4) for English in Grade 12
  • Successful completion of a practical audition (Grade 3 standard) and a theoretical placement test (Grade 2 standard)
  • DURATION: 3 years
21 Potch
BMus Music
  • Completed Matric / National Senior Certificate with an endorsement for degree study
  • Successful completion of a practical audition (Grade 6 standard) and a theoretical placement test (Grade 5 standard)
  • DURATION: 4 years
24 Potch The following resources provide a wealth of information on possible careers in music:

Diploma in Music
  • Completed Matric / National Senior Certificate with an endorsement for diploma study
  • At least 50% (level 4) for English in Grade 12
  • Successful completion of a musical aptitude test and audition
  • DURATION: 3 years
18 Potch
BA in Behavioural Sciences with Sociology and Psychology
  • Mathematical Literacy at level 4
  • DURATION: 3 years
22 Potch
Sociology develops one’s ability to understand the relationships
and interactions between people and groups that shape our society
and how it works.
Therefore, Sociology is important and very useful if you are interested in any of the following career paths:

  • Clinical sociologist
  • Consultant on team performance (sport and work teams)
  • Social researcher and analyst
  • Manager, analyst and evaluator of projects
  • Negotiator in labour relations
  • Planner and developer
  • Manager in the public or private sector
  • Researcher on impact studies
  • Communication specialist
  • Social worker *
  • Community development worker/practitioner
  • Population specialist
  • Member of the civil service
  • Human resources manager
  • Political policy maker
  • Psychologist and counsellor*
  • Nurse*

¹Usually requires an Honours degree in Sociology ²Specialised qualification, but Sociology is central to it.

Bachelor of Arts
with Heritage and Cultural Tourism Management (Potch)
with Tourism Management (Mafikeng)
  • DURATION: 3 years
22 Mafikeng
  • Tourism Managers
  • Tourism Marketers
  • Marketers
  • Researchers
  • Lecturers
  • Consultants
  • Guesthouse Managers
  • Game farm managers and event managers in both private and public enterprises.
Bachelor of Arts
with Sociology and Labour Relations Management
with Sociology and Geography
  • DURATION: 3 years
22 Potch
BA in Graphic Design
with Art History and Illustration
with Communication
  • SELECTION: Selection based on a photo portfolio of graphics OR works of art and a skills test in practical projects as well as an academic record and interview.
  • DURATION: 4 years
24 Potch
  • Professional graphic designer
  • Freelance artist
  • Animation artist
  • Editorial designer
  • Design director
  • Layout artist
  • Children’s book artist
  • Comic artist
  • Illustrator
  • Advertising artist
  • Packaging designer
  • Web page designer
  • Educator
  • Multimedia designer
  • Art critic
  • Art journalist
  • Gallery owner
  • Curator
  • Art consultant
  • Art dealer
  • Manager of artists’ career
  • Educator
  • Tourism specialist
  • Researcher
  • Art blogger
  • Arts festival officer
  • Publisher
  • Web content generator
  • Art collector
  • Studio manager
  • Gallerist
BA Communication
  • English level 5
  • DURATION: 3 years
24 Mafikeng
The practitioner ensures that there are adequate conversation and communication between the organisation and the organisation’s stakeholders (i.e. investors, employees, the media, government) in order to assist the organisation in reaching its strategic goals. To do this, the practitioner develops a plan and strategy, which includes actions such as developing newsletters, websites, managing social media, and planning events.
Where can you work?

  • A communication practitioner can work at any organisation (for- or non-profit) or government department – anywhere where an organisation has the need to communicate with people internally and externally.
  • Editor
  • Community media journalist
  • Content provider (online media)
  • Copy editor
  • Text editor (e.g. for a publishing house)
  • Layout and design editor (using desktop publishing or web design skills)
  • Media liaison/relations practitioner
  • Spokesperson
Ethics, Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Ethics, Philosophy and Psychological sciences
Ethics, Philosophy and Natural sciences
Ethics, Philosophy and Languages
Ethics, Philosophy and Social sciences
  • Subject-specific requirements: See yearbook for different directions and relevant requirements.
  • DURATION: 3 years
26 Potch
B Social Sciences

  • History and Psychology
  • Social Anthropology and Psychology
  • Sociology and Psychology
  • History and Sociology
  • Social Anthropology and Sociology
  • History and Politics
  • Social Anthropology and Politics
  • Sociology and Politics
  • History and Social Anthropology
  • History and Geography
  • Social Anthropology and Geography
  • Sociology and Geography
  • History and Economics
  • Social Anthropology and Economics
  • Sociology and Economics
  • Politics and Economics


  • International Relations
  • Political Sciences
  • Development Studies
  • Population Studies and Demography
  • Population Studies
  • Population and Development Studies
  • Population Studies and Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Subject-specific requirements: See yearbook for different directions and relevant requirements.
  • DURATION: 3 years
24 Mafikeng
Population Studies and Demography

  • Graduates of Population Studies are in demand in Southern Africa. They may find employment in various government departments such as Statistics South Africa where they will be involved in collecting, processing and analysing data for planning; non-governmental organisations; civic society organisations; international development agencies; academic and research institutions; and national and provincial population units that undertake demographic and related activities.
BA Humanities Potchefstroom:

  • Geography and the Humanities
  • History and the Humanities
  • Art History and the Humanities
  • Political Study and the Humanities
  • Social Anthropology and the Humaniora
  • Psychology and Languages
  • Sociology and Languages
  • Mathematics and the Humanities
  • Latin and the Humanities


  • History and Geography
  • Politics and Society
  • History and the Humanities
  • Psychology and Languages
  • Subject-specific requirements: See yearbook for different directions and relevant requirements.
  • All VC Humanities curricula except for Politics and Society have either AFLL, ENL OR SSLL as major up to second OR third year. Matric mark of at least 65% in Afrikaans, English OR Sesotho required.
  • DURATION: 3 years
24 Potch

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See also  NWU School of Nursing Requirements For Health Sciences


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