River Bible Institute Contact Details: Location, Email, Tel, Alumni, RBI Campus Address, Website, Ranking, Student Portal Login, Tuition Fees, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Phone Number, Postal Address, Opening Days, and Hour.

Are you looking for the contact address of the River Bible Institute (RBI) Africa? This post provides a direct link for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, MBA, Diploma, Certificate, Degree, Masters, P.hD. programs students and staff to access and get in touch with the River Bible Institute management.
What You Need to Know About the River Bible Institute.
A Word from Our Visionary Leaders
We have been carrying a dream that has been burning in our hearts for many years. This dream is to duplicate the ministry that the Lord entrusted to us by raising up an army of leaders, strong in the Word of Faith and touched by the Fire of God, who effectively impact their generation with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We understand that there are many people who sense a strong calling from the Lord to go into the full-time ministry, yet simply lack the knowledge and the skill needed to practically step into their calling. The Word of God says in 2 Timothy 2:15 – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”.
The River Bible Institute was birthed specifically to train people in God’s Word and in the ways of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of launching a new wave of anointed leaders into the ministry. Students will be academically trained in the uncompromised Word of God, practically trained through hands-on ministry, touched and changed by the Spirit of God, and ignited by the Fire of God to make an effective impact on their generation for Christ!
Jenny and I would like to extend an invitation to you to seriously consider coming to The River Bible Institute. If God is calling you to step into the ministry, it’s time to start making preparations to steer your life into the direction that God has called you to. Don’t wait! No one else can fulfill the work that God is calling YOU to do. Don’t let obstacles stand in the way of you stepping into God’s destiny for your life. Have faith in God! Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” We look forward to seeing you here and to watch what God is about to do in and through your life!
See Also: River Bible Institute Tuition & Fees Structure
River Bible Institute Contact Details.
If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!
If you would like to make a payment towards your application please use the following banking details:
Account Name: The River Bible Institute
Bank: Standard Bank
Account Number: 331777371
Branch: 050021
Reference: Applicant Name + Applicant Fee
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further queries.
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