
SAPECS Masters Scholarships | How To Apply

SAPECS Masters Scholarships application form | How to apply.


Below, are the details on SAPECS application form, requirements, eligibility,  qualifications needed, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for South Africans is published here on as well as on the official website/application portal.

SAPECS Masters Scholarships

The Southern African Program on Ecosystem Change on Society (SAPECS) Masters Scholarships 2022/2023 application details have been published here. All Eligible and Interested applicants may apply online for this opportunity before the application deadline-closing date.


  • Don’t forget that SAPECS application is totally free of charge
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
  • Subscribe to our notification list with your email to receive the Latest Opportunities Update.

Details of SAPECS

This Masters project will involve synthesizing existing research, as well as on-the-ground data collection for a case study system in either the Limpopo or Okavango River Basin. The specific topic, research approach and case study can be developed based on the skills and interests of the student.

The ideal candidate should have a strong academic track record, critical thinking and analytical skills, possess a keen interest in sustainability issues and conservation science, and be an independent thinker who is open to collaboration and keen to participate in the events and activities of the Centre. Experience in GIS and statistical analysis, and/or in conducting interviews and running focus groups, will be advantageous. Students with a background in natural and/or social sciences will be considered.

The successful candidate will be supervised by Dr Hayley Clements and based at the Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST), Stellenbosch University, South Africa ( The candidate will be co-supervised by Prof Enrico Di Minin at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Studies will generally be registered within the CST’s MPhil in Sustainable Development in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, but other options can be considered.

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Masters full-time over 2 years: ZAR120 000 p.a., excluding field costs. There will be additional funding for field costs and registration fees.


Applicants need to be southern African nationals from one of these countries: Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, or Zimbabwe. All students should have completed a three-year undergraduate degree AND one-year Honours degree, or equivalent, to be eligible. Students need a 65% minimum pass for their Honours to be considered. All candidates should show evidence of strong scholarly performance and commitment to publishing. Preference will be given to students who can work independently, are well organized and who will be willing to participate in the regular activities of the CST. 3

To apply 

Interested candidates should send:

  • a motivation letter (detailing why you are well-suited to undertake this project, including your previous experience, your skills, your general area of interest, as well as which aspects of the project most interest you and your ideas regarding research on these aspects),
  • a detailed CV that includes your academic record, previous work experience, skills, any scientific publications on which you have been an author, and the names and contact details of at least two academic referees,
  • transcripts of academic qualifications,
  • at least one example of recent written work (e.g. a paper, report, thesis chapter).

Please submit your applications electronically to Dr Hayley Clements:

We encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible, but latest by 22 August 2021.

CST and Stellenbosch University reserve the right to not fill the post if there are no suitable candidates who meet the requirements.

See also  SARETI Masters Degree Scholarships | How To Apply

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the SAPEC Masters Scholarships 2022/2023

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