
Full Details of Shadows from the Past Teasers – June 2020 Episode

Shadows from the Past Teasers – June 2020 Episode Details | This post gives the full information about the Shadows from the Past Teasers 2020 episode dates, tv channel, time, and days.


Coming up on Shadows from the Past this June 2020:

Monday 1 June 2020
Episode 31

Valeria apologizes to Aldonza and invites her to her engagement party. Aldonza receives flowers from an admirer.


Tuesday 2 June 2020
Episode 32

Candela visits Father Jeronimo to invite him to the party. Aldonza and Adelina clean up Roberta’s house.

Wednesday 3 June 2020
Episode 33

Severiano orders Abelardo to rob Humberto’s office.

Thursday 4 June 2020
Episode 34

Mari kisses Emanuel and then slaps him, attracting the attention of all the guests.

Friday 5 June 2020
Episode 35

Cristobal tells Valeria he isn’t going to marry her. Renato gives Aldonza a gun for her protection.

Monday 8 June 2020
Episode 36

Candela is arguing with Cristobal when Valeria calls him to say good-bye because she took a bunch of sleeping pills.

Tuesday 9 June 2020
Episode 37

Valeria kisses Cristobal passionately and tries to seduce him. Aldonza finds out Renato left because his mother is in the hospital.

Wednesday 10 June 2020
Episode 38

Renato’s mother is seriously ill. Father Jeronimo visits Candela after the scandal she caused in the church, but embarrassed, the woman refuses to see him.

Thursday 11 June 2020
Episode 39

Abelardo shoots the “El Santuario” house while Adelina and Jeronimo are inside. Cristobal warns his mother that he’ll try to make up with Aldonza no matter what.

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Friday 12 June 2020
Episode 40

Tomas stalks Prudencia to court her, she tells him weakly to leave her alone. In spite of her rejection, Cristobal declares the magnitude of his love to Aldonza again.

Monday 15 June 2020
Episode 41

Severiano threatens Adelina with hurting them if they don’t leave town. Cristobal tells her she can’t be his friend because he hurt her too much.

Tuesday 16 June 2020
Episode 42

Aldonza enters The Spirits uninvited to inform Severiano and Candela that she isn’t afraid of them. Cristobal desires to know what relationship his father had with Roberta.

Wednesday 17 June 2020
Episode 43

Dominga is surprised to find out Candela and Severiano spent the night together. Valeria asks Abelardo to find out something dirty in Aldonza’s past

Thursday 18 June 2020
Episode 44

Valeria asks Aldonza for her help because according to her she was in love when she had sex with Cristobal, and now she feels used.

Friday 19 June 2020
Episode 45

Humberto assures Severiano he’s on his side because Aldonza fooled and betrayed him. Cristobal wants to see Aldonza by force and Camilo threatens him with a gun.

Monday 22 June 2020
Episode 46

Severiano invites his son to the capital in order to start a plan to ruin Aldonza’s plans, Cristobal accepts. Cristobal apologizes to Valeria for having hurt her.

Tuesday 23 June 2020
Episode 47

Valeria convinces Cristobal to go to the movies with her. Father Jeronimo has an accident because the brakes of his van fail.

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Wednesday 24 June 2020
Episode 48

The priest’s condition is very serious and so Humberto tells her and Adelina. Candela hears Aldonza’s accusation regarding Severiano having provoked the accident and after she asks him if it’s true.

Thursday 25 June 2020
Episode 49

Adelina is surprised to see Candela kissing Jeronimo on the lips when he’s unconscious. Abelardo sets Aldonza’s apartment on fire.

Friday 26 June 2020
Episode 50

Father Jeronimo hallucinates and Aldonza hears him when he says believing that she is Roberta that her daughter didn’t die. Severiano wishes Humberto to cause a respiratory arrest to Father Jeronimo.

Monday 29 June 2020
Episode 51

Mari tells Valeria that she’s pretending to be Emanuel’s girlfriend to make Lola jealous. Aldonza confesses to Cristobal she loves him, he asks her to be his wife so nobody can separate them.

Tuesday 30 June 2020
Episode 52

Aldonza assures her uncle that Severiano is responsible for his accident but Jeronimo states that they have no proof.

Premiere episodes of Shadows from the Past air on FOX LIfe from Mondays to Fridays at 17h30. The repeat airs at 23h10.

What to do Next;

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