
US/ICOMOS International Exchange Internship Program 2022 Application Details

US/ICOMOS International Exchange Internship Program application form | All Eligible and Interested applicants should apply online for this opportunity before the application deadline-closing date.
The US/ICOMOS International Exchange Internship Program 2022 (Stipend available) application form, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline, how to apply, closing date, and other opportunities links for South Africans is published here on as well as on the official website/application portal.


US/ICOMOS International Exchange Internship Program Application Instruction✔

  • Don’t forget that US/ICOMOS International Exchange Internship Program application is totally free of charge
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
  • Subscribe to our notification list with your email to receive the Latest Opportunities Update.

Details of US/ICOMOS International Exchange Internship Program.

Applications for the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Internship Program 2022 are now open. The internships are approximately 12 weeks in length (including orientation and the final program), and are usually scheduled during the summer (from June to August).
US/ICOMOS hosts all U.S. and international interns for a program orientation in Washington, DC at the beginning of the summer. Interns then disperse to their various host locations where they complete a preservation-related project designed by the host organization. At the end of the summer, all interns reconvene in Washington, DC for a final debriefing and farewell program.
Interns’ Responsibilities
Interns are selected on a competitive basis and are expected to be professional in their behavior and work ethic. Each US/ICOMOS intern agrees to:

  • Obtain a visa, if required.
  • Maintain valid medical insurance, if required.
  • Work a 5-day week, keeping the hours of the regular staff, and participate in staff activities.
  • Complete the assigned project(s) within the duration of the internship.
  • Discuss any problems with the host organizations supervisor and contact US/ICOMOS if resolution is not possible.
  • Try to learn as much as possible about the host country’s preservation techniques and philosophies, as well as local culture.
  • Complete two evaluations during the program, and one at the end of the program.
  • Prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation and companion presentation board of project findings to be delivered at the concluding symposium.
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  • US/ICOMOS provides funding for all internships from a variety of sources. The stipends provided to interns are intended to cover basic living expenses (food and housing) for the duration of the internship. US/ICOMOS will cover housing costs during orientation and the final program in Washington, DC.
  • In some cases, travel grants may be available for U.S. interns traveling overseas but interns from overseas coming to the U.S. must provide their own round-trip travel unless otherwise arranged.
  • However, the precise amount of the stipends and coverage of travel costs depends on a variety of factors, including the level of donated funding received, whether free or reduced housing is provided by the host organization, and the relative cost of living of the internship location.
  • In all cases, interns are strongly encouraged to bring with them sufficient personal funds to cover entertainment and other costs.  Intern stipends are considered to be reimbursement for living expenses, and thus are NOT salary or wages, so they are not considered to be taxable income.


  • At a minimum, applicants must have an undergraduate degree in a preservation-related field, such as architecture, landscape architecture, or architectural conservation, with coursework and/or experience in preservation.
  • Although there are no age restrictions, the program is designed for those nearing the end of their graduate programs (usually 2nd-year students) or those who have been working professionally for 1-3 years. There are no exceptions to these limits, due to the popularity of the program.

Selection Criteria

  • Interns are selected on the basis of demonstrated skills, commitment to historic preservation, previous experience and academic concentration in the field, as well as their ability to represent their country in an exchange program. Importantly, interns are chosen whose skills, training, interest and previous experience match the needs of host organizations. Therefore, not all qualified intern applicants will be recommended for the program, since there are always more qualified applicants than internships and the qualifications of some applicants simply may not match the needs of host organizations in any given year.
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Candidates are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation, a 500-word essay describing their reasons for wanting to participate in the program, and examples of their work.
All applications are reviewed by a volunteer professional jury that makes recommendations for intern selection and placement. The application materials for recommended interns are then forwarded to the respective host organizations for review and approval. Only after the host organization has approved the intern will the applicant be notified which internship he/she has been assigned.
Click here to apply

Deadline: January 3, 2022

For more information, visit US/ICOMOS.
However, if you have any feelings regarding the US/ICOMOS International Exchange Internship ProgramPlease kindly drop A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.
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