Willie Esterhuizen: Biography of Willie Esterhuizen, Age, Career & Net Worth
Here is all you need to know about Willie Esterhuizen profile….
Willie Esterhuizen (born 1 January 1955) is a South African actor, writer, and director. He is known for his roles in the popular TV series Vetkoekpaleis and Gauteng-aleng-aleng.
Willie Esterhuizen Biography, Age, Career & Net Worth
Willie Esterhuizen Age
He was born on the 1st of January 1955 in South Africa. As of 2021, he is 66 years old and celebrates his birthday on January 1st every year.
Esterhuizen studied dance at the University of Cape Town before moving to London to study acting for two years at the Arts Educational School. He joined KRUIK two years later and relocated to Johannesburg to work in the television industry.
As director:
- Vir Beter of Baie Beter (TV-series), 2014
- Molly en Wors (TV-series)
- Stoute Boudjies, 2010
- Vaatjie sien sy gat, 2008
- Poena is Koning, 2007
- Begeertes (TV-series), 2007
- Lipstiek Dipstiek, 1994
- Orkney Snork Nie 2, 1993
- Orkney Snork Nie (Die Moewie), 1992
- Orkney Snork Nie (TV-series), 1989
As writer:
- Vir Beter of Baie Beter, 2014
- Stoute Boudjies, 2010
- Vaatjie sien sy gat, 2008
- Begeertes (TV-series), 2007
- Vetkoekpaleis, 1996
- Lipstiek dipstiek, 1994
- Orkney Snork Nie (TV-series), 1989
As actor:
- Faan se Trein, 2014
- Stoute Boudjies, 2010
- Vaatjie sien sy gat, 2008
- Liewe Hemel, Genis!, 1987 as Visser Botes (Vissertjie)
- Vetkoekpaleis, 1996
- Wie Laaste Lag, 1985 as Lafras
- Koöperasiestories (TV-series) as Vissertjie, 1983
- Wat Jy Saai, 1979 as Christiaan MacDonald
Willie Esterhuizen Net Worth
He has an estimated net worth of $200,000 which he has earned as an actor
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