
ERM Bursary 2024-2025 | How To Apply

ERM Bursary 2024 | How to apply for ERM bursaries program online, application form pdf download, requirements, eligibility, and ERM bursary application closing date 2024/2025.


Are you looking for Companies that offer Bursaries in South Africa in 2024? The ERM invites an application from suitable and qualified students for their bursary program 2024/2025.

Every day, Students are pondering the net about:

  • How to Apply for Bursary 2024
  • Companies offering Bursaries in South Africa
  • Who Qualifies for a Bursary in South Africa
  • How Do I Get Bursary?
  • How Does Bursary Work?

Let’s dive into the full information about ERM bursaries and application details in 2024.


bursary is a monetary award made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school, university, or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into the study.

ERM Bursary Application Details 2024

ERM: Bursary Opportunity for 2024

ERM is seeking graduates who are interested in pursuing post-graduate studies with reputable recognized universities. We are able to offer you an incredibly vast array of opportunities simply because our scope of work is so extensive.

If you are pursuing studies in the earth or Natural sciences, in some of the Engineering fields, in Economics or the Social sciences, then there may be an opportunity for you to work with us! ERM Southern Africa continues to foster transformation. Our industry requires high calibre professionals from multicultural backgrounds; we continually seek ways to nurture and develop talent.

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All students with the appropriate undergraduate degree aiming to further their studies in the relevant disciplines may apply.


As part of the selection criteria, students are required to choose one essay topic from the below-listed options recorded by Services (departments) within ERM:

Capital Project Delivery

Topic 1:

  • The development of landscape-focused strategies is increasingly important sectors such as agricultural and forestry expansion to attain certifications that secure market advantages and enable development financing.  However, such strategies require long-term partnerships with a range of stakeholders (each with different mandates and priorities), which can be costly and is often undermined by corporate expectations for generating tangible benefits within unrealistic timeframes.
  • Discuss how you would go about initiating such stakeholder partnerships, and what the inherent challenges and dynamics of this and fostering trust and shared collaboration among the stakeholders involved would be. How would you help to get buy-in from all stakeholders to get involved in initiatives that can demonstrate beneficial outcomes for conservation, affected stakeholders and the production-orientated stakeholders?

Topic 2:

  • It was until 1997, when EIA regulations were gazetted in South Africa, with the aim to assess proposed developmental projects for its negative impacts to the environment and to identify suitable mitigation measures. In an essay, discuss how an EIA is significant for sustainable development.

Topic 3:

  • Waste in South Africa is governed by a number of legislation, however the country still faces issues in waste management. In an essay of a 1 000 to a 1 500 words discuss how waste management can be improved in South Africa
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Operational Performance

Topic 4:

  • ESG/ Sustainable Finance – The integration of Environmental – Social – Governance (ESG) practices into investment decisions continues to accelerate. One of the key goals of COP26 is to unlock the public and private finance to develop infrastructure and innovation to build a more climate-resilient economy. In your opinion, what practices should companies and investors adopt to improve their ESG performance and contribute to the COP26 goals?

Topic 5:

  • With Risk Management playing such an integral part in business management in present times, how would you integrate ESG risks into risk management in companies?

Topic 6:

  • Low Carbon Economy Transitions (LCET) – The move away from fossil fuels to address the climate change challenge continues to accelerate. Please consider what strategies and tools businesses and governments should consider navigating these transitions.

Liability Portfolio Management and Remediation

Topic 7:

  • Your client is wanting to decommission a coal mine as part of their business’s journey to net zero carbon emissions what environmental risks would you encourage your client to investigate as part of their closure planning

Topic 8:

  • An oil refinery/depot is in the process of redevelopment, consider potential environmental risks and explore low carbon solutions for consideration during the redevelopment

On the 1st page of your essay, please include and sign and date the below Plagiarism Declaration:

  • I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another’s work and pretend it is one’s own.
  • Each significant contribution to, and quotation in this essay that I have taken from the work(s) of other people has been attributed, and has been cited and referenced.
  • I have used the Harvard (or Author-date or APA) system for citation and referencing.
  • This essay is my own work and I have not copied any other text.
  • I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work.
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Applications and essays will be reviewed by our relevant service line experts and candidates will be short listed based on their academic performance, essay writing skills, as well as the chosen area of study.

ERM has limited places available in our Bursary Programme.
Successful candidates will enter into a contract with ERM Southern Africa and the contract will be reviewed quarterly in line with the student’s academic performance. If successful, the applicant will be notified by ERM on their success of their application.

NB. Please note that this bursary opportunity is open only to unemployed South African graduates who are looking to further their studies.

Make sure to read every detail of your Bursary contract. Not every company offers the same rewards and some companies will ask you to work for them as long as you have held the bursary.

However, if you have queries regarding the ERM bursary application 2024, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.



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