
Contact Details of UKZN Address & Phone Number

UKZN Contact Address


UKZN Contact Address.

Contact Details of University of KwaZulu-Natal, Location, Phone Number, Postal Address, History, Alumni, Campus Address, Direction, Website, Fax, Ranking, FAQs, Google Map, Review, Funding, Banking Details, Opening Days, and Hour.

All Information regarding the UKZN online application form, courses offered, faculties/programmes, bursaries, prospectus, minimum entry requirements, programs duration, student portal login, vacancies, intake registration instruction, admission letter download pdf, checking of test and exam result, tenders, fees structure, admission login portal are accessible on this website has obtained from the official website.

About UKZN.

Campuses & Directions

  • UKZN Campuses
  • Routes to Campuses
  • Campus Buildings
  • Virtual Tours


To be the Premier University of African Scholarship.



A truly South African University of Choice that is academically excellent, innovative in research, entrepreneurial, and critically engaged with society.


UKZN aims to establish a value-driven organisational culture that empowers the Institution and its people to achieve institutional goals. The guiding values are Respect, Excellence, Accountability, Client Orientation, Honesty, and Trust – represented as R.E.A.C.H.T The behaviour and actions of everyone at UKZN will, accordingly, demonstrate:

  • Respect: UKZN undertakes to promote mutual respect, courtesy, and inclusiveness.
  • Excellence: UKZN undertakes to display quality, leadership and energy in all that it does.
  • Accountability: UKZN promises to be responsible and accountable in the behaviour displayed towards all its stakeholders.
  • Client Orientation: UKZN undertakes to satisfy the needs of all its clients, stakeholders and partners, on a consistent basis.
  • Honesty: UKZN promises to deliver with integrity – steadfastly and with adherence to good governance.
  • TrustT: The ‘T’ symbol after reacht refers to the principle of ‘trust’ that underpins all of the other institutional values. The implicit trust enjoyed by every member of UKZN and their well-defined actions that embrace the R.E.A.C.H.T values, are the important ingredients of the moral fibre of the Institution.
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The goals of the University are:

  1. To achieve excellence in teaching and learning
  2. To achieve excellence and high impact in research, innovation and entrepreneurship
  3. To Promote high-impact societal and stakeholder Community engagement
  4. Targeted Internationalisation
  5. Institution of Choice for Learners:
    To establish the University as an institution of choice that values students in all their diversity and has a student-centred ethos, providing students with curricula, teachers, infrastructure and support services designed around their needs and producing well-educated, competent, sought-after graduates.
  6. Institution of Choice for Staff:
    To establish the University as an institution of choice that attracts and retains academic and support staff of the highest calibre by creating an intellectual environment that fosters and stimulates academic life, and a climate of organisational citizenship in which all staff recognise and understand their role in ensuring the success of the University.
  7. Efficient and Effective Management:
    To establish and maintain efficient, effective management systems and processes that provide a caring and responsive service to meet internal and external needs in a pragmatic and flexible manner.

UKZN Contact Details.

If you want to talk to us we would love to hear from you!


  • Edgewood: +27 31 260 1111
  • Howard College: +27 31 260 1111
  • Medical School: +27 31 260 1111
  • Pietermaritzburg: +27 33 260 5111
  • Westville: +27 31 260 1111
  • or Call +27 31 260 8596 and follow the voice prompts

However, if you have any queries regarding the UKZN contact details, Please kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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